Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Berlyn!

From the moment you were placed into my arms I knew that you were special and God had great things planned for your life.
Today we celebrate your life with love and thanksgiving.
You have battled all odds and you're my hero. When I found out that you came to us with a broken heart I wanted so bad to take away your pain and wanted to trade places with you. I had no idea how my life would be changed forever.
You've endured more stuff in your first year, than alot of us adults may take a whole life to experience. And all with your sweet smile. I really don't know whether I could have passed the year of trials and tribulations without your strength and courage. Whenever I wanted to cry and hide myself from everything, God showed me your strength and told me that He was in control. When I would cry out to God, he gave me peace and reminded me that you're His own. You're so very special and everything about you is a testimony of God's faithfulness, love, healing, promise and grace. Your life has taught me lessons that may have taken me a lifetime to learn. Your journey has brought me in contact with people, that only heaven could have made it possible. Even though your journey continues, we look to the future with promise and much hope. God has brought you this far and has a purpose for you.
You have certainly impacted my life and I know the lives of many, and that's just the beginning. I treasure you and honor God for allowing us to get to this day.
Thank you for opening my eyes to many things that I was so blinded to before.
I love you more than words will ever be able to express.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Heart update

I think this picture pretty much says it all.

Berlyn's heart appointment check up was on Monday and we couldn't have asked for better news.

He checked her out and said that her heart is looking good and her stenosis is still at the mild range right now. He said it actually appeared to improve slightly from the last appointment. What a huge relief that was to hear. We see him again in August to see where we are at.

We want to thank everyone that continues to pray for our little girl. We really appreciate your love and support. She sure is a fighter.

We are happy to have the good news so we can enjoy her 1st birthday tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Update- Fundraiser

I don't know really what to say...let me start out with THANK YOU!

Thank you to the many friends who donated.

Thank you to the many of you who donated and who don't even know us.

Thank you to each and every one of you who made such meaningful donations and for spreading the news these past 12 days.

When I made the goal of $2,000 I really thought it was a far after day I would see the donations roll in and was so amazed. Not only did we reach the goal, but so far we are $322 over that goal and still have some coming in.

It was so awesome to see so many of you out there with such caring hearts. I know alot of you have followed us this past year on this unexpected journey that we've been on. It still amazes me when I am at the store or out and about and I hear someone ask me if I am Brianna and they tell me that they read this blog or have been praying for Berlyn and our family. I want to say thank you for all of your support and your prayers. We couldn't have made it through this journey without you.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!