Friday, November 14, 2008

Got to love them.

Mother in laws that is. I have to say that I really do love my Mother in law. She stays out of our business, doesn't try to tell me what I need or should be doing. Even when she stayed with us for 10 days she tried to stay out of everything. I've heard stories about Mother in laws and I am so happy that I have the one I do.

Before I ever met his mom and when Johnny and I were dating, every year she would send us a box with our Christmas gifts in it. I don't know if she just really didn't like her son or she was serious about the stuff she would send. Every year we would look forward to her box in the mail so we could all get a good laugh. (kinda like on the Griswald movie where the grandma brings the cat wrapped up in a box) She came out to meet me a few years ago and after meeting her it seemed like the crazy gifts stopped and she started sending nice stuff to us. I thought well maybe it really was Johnny she didn't like and she's sending good stuff cause she likes me. After today I think I've come to the conclusion that she really doesn't hate us and just likes to send us strange things.

Johnny asked his mom to send him some of his books for Aven from when he was a kid. So today I got a package with a bunch of books and these things....

Is it me or do these little guys seem a little strange?? Anyway, I feel bad cause she probably spent $50 bucks just sending us all this stuff. Oh well :)


  1. I sent her your blog address LOL just kidding she's sweet:) Gotta love pooh outfits:)

  2. Hey, be careful. I am a mother in law. Ask Johnny about mother in laws. Ha- Ha. Love, Mom

  3. Hahaha... yeah they are a bit 'unique' LOL It's the thought that counts, right??

  4. Mom: well if you start sending us strange gifts I might have to say something to you :)
