Monday, November 24, 2008

Why Oh Why....

Do some strange women think it's ok to touch your baby or come up and blow on their leg?? I don't know about you but I never go up to anyones baby (let alone someone I don't know) and touch or grab their baby. We went to a birthday party this weekend and there was this one lady at the party that obviously had one to many glasses of wine. She decided she was going to motor boat on Aven's leg. I really didn't know what to do or say to her except laugh. She did it about 10 times. My friend Ann and I just kept laughing at each other in disbelief. I finally had to get up and move before we both got drunk off her breath fumes and her overspray of spit. She was a really nice lady but I never understand how people can do that. I made sure when I got home to scrub his leg extra good. Here are a few pictures Ann took before we were attacked by the strange lady.


  1. I like his onsie. Yes, people are crazy like that. I personally would of asked her to stop. Just me though.

  2. Aven is soooo stinkin' cute. And you look great!! I can't stand when things like this happen. One time we were at the grocery store and Taylor was like 10 weeks old... anyway a little girl who was filthy from head to toe ran up to my cart (with no parents around) and tried to touch Taylor and I gently swatted her hand away and told her please do not touch my baby. LOL I am mean!

  3. Your kidding right? You actually expect people to resist that perfect little charmer? Good luck! The boy is irresistible! I think you should be satisfied that the crazy wino didn't motor boat you! (hahaha)

  4. How could she resist those chubby little legs! Just wait till people(relatives) start putting their nasty fingers in your son's mouth trying to feed them or share their food with them without asking. Of course my fingers are ok right? haha
