Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Aven's First Disneyland Trip

Johnny's work had their Christmas party yesterday at Disneyland, so I decided we could take Aven along with us. Plus it made it easier on me so I didn't have to pump for a whole month to be able to leave him all day. My sister and her boyfriend joined us so they could watch Aven during dinner. Thank God that it didn't rain all day long and it wasn't even crowded. Aven was being such a good boy all afternoon and took a long nap. I was really thinking these people are right, this just might be the happiest place on earth....then it came time for dinner. He decided he was gonna wake up and be so cranky for our babysitters. So, once again I was texting the whole time at dinner trying to tell my sister what to do. I'm pretty sure between Bridget and I my sister will only ever own dogs. Thank you Brenda and Scott for watching Aven and for his cute whaurname hat :)

Aven all bundled up. It was cold out there!

The Family

Seth & Torie. Seth can never take a normal picture and just look at the camera. He's always doing something Goofey.....get it goofey HAHA

Johnny and Aven
See what I mean :)
Not sure why I posed like this. ha

Scott and Aven watching his first parade

Of course he had to cry through it. What kid doesn't enjoy a parade with son.


  1. Hi Brianna! I found your blog through Bridget's blog. Thought I would check you out:) You have a beautiful family. I'm so happy for you. Isn't being a mom the greatest?

  2. Welcome to the joys of the Magic Kingdom! Once we've hooked your child there is NO escape for you!
