Monday, December 29, 2008

To my Baby Boy Aven Jace

Where has the time gone? Six months ago today I was preparing for a journey into motherhood. I was scared, nervous, excited and relieved to finally meet you my new baby boy. I never knew the amount of love I could have for a stranger until the moment I held you for the first time. The past 6 months have been a blur. You've grown and changed so much. You hardly look like that little tiny boy we brought home with the long skinny legs and the soft dark hair with that soft gentle cry. You have grown into such a handsome boy and are already starting to get a little personality. You have brought so much joy into our lives and can't wait for all the memories we have yet to share with you. I love you so much my son!


  1. Cutest Post Ever:) You are the best Mommy, Aven is so lucky! Happy Bday lil Munchkin!

  2. It made me cry to look at those pictures. He is such a blessing. He is beautiful! Just think how I feel when I look at you and how the time has flown and you are a mom now. You are a wonderful mom and I am so proud of you. Thank you for all the joy you have brought to my life, and for giving us such a treasure in Aven. Love you, Mom

  3. Brianna!! These are sooooo beautiful of Aven!! very professional looking!! I can't wait to meet him and see you again! Congrats on the new camera!! yeah!! What'd ya get? Your Christmas looked like lots of crazy-hat-fun!!!! I've been thinking of you too! Happy, happy New Year to you and your beautiful family :) deb

  4. Oh my... how he has grown. Such a beautiful boy to complete such a beautiful family. I am so incredibly happy for the Adams family...ya'll done real good! A bazillion air kisses over to the birthday boy! :)

  5. Aven is so beautiful Brianna! I hope he brings you nothing but joy for all your life!!!!

  6. am i just emotional or did this post make you cry??? sorry I missed his 6month bday party. Those pictures are so stinkin cute!!!! I love my little stinky boy!

  7. Oh Brianna, what a doll!!! I think I actually wrote the same comment on your sisters blog. You two make beautiful babies:) Congrats on such an excitring blessed year - God is Good
