Friday, January 9, 2009

Flashback Friday

In honor of my sisters 29th bday this flashback Friday is dedicated to her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIDGET!!

Bridget and I didn't always get along. As a matter of fact we didn't get along pretty much at all in high school. My mom used to tell us "when you guys grow up you're gonna be the best of friends." We would always say NO WAY! When I move out I am never talking to her again! Bridget couldn't really stand Brenda and I. She bought a lock for her door so we couldn't get in to snoop around and wear her clothes. As soon as Bridget would leave we would break into her room with a credit card.

I thank God that my Mom was right and we have ended up to be best of friends. I don't know what I'd do without my sister Bridget. She has taught me so much about how to be a good mother and has truly set a high standard for me to follow. I look up to her in so many ways. It was so nice to be pregnant with her and have someone to call and complain to about how fat I was. (I also had Krystyn...thanks girl)

So hope you have a wonderful birthday and hope we have fun tonight in whatever your husband has up his sleeve :)


  1. Aww! Funny that baby pic looks like Farrah.

  2. Such cute pictures!!! You guys are blessed to have eachother! I love the one of you three.... sooo cute!

  3. Oh and no prob about listening to complaining. I was the ring leader lol

  4. nice mullet pics! a dog cake Brenda..why do you think I'm pushing it away.haha!

  5. Hey, that is a puppy cake, and I made that, and if you look close Bridget you were trying to grab a piece to eat. Ha Ha. I really enjoyed all these pictures of my girls. Wow! how time goes by. I am amazed how much my babies have grown. You are all so beautiful. Love, Mom

  6. Loving the napkin babooshka pic! (LOL) Is that Brenda in the middle? She looks like Farrah!
