Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Goodbye to a great man

Yesterday was the funeral of my godfather. I didn't even know that he was my godfather till 3 days after his death. I was digging up pictures for my flashback Friday when I came across the pictures of my baptism. I called my mom and asked her. She said "I don't remember, maybe." Not sure how she didn't know. I guess when your the 3rd of 4 kids you forget details like that :)

We used to see him alot when I was growing up and from what I remember he was always a real fun loving guy and always up beat. Not sure why we stopped seeing him. We all kinda had our own lives and stuff going on and didn't really see him much. After the funeral yesterday I was really sad that I didn't get to know him better than I did. Hearing all his kids talk about him and what a good man he was really upset me that I didn't make an effort to know him more. I found out that he was a Marine in the Korean War and was awarded a purple heart. Up until a few years back he would pick shrapnel out of his arms that would rise to the surface... I can't believe after all these years that would still happen.

Here are some of the pictures I found.


  1. Wow that really does stink that you didnt get to know him better. Especially since you werent given a chance.
    Times like this help us to realize what we need to make important in our lives.
    That is so great that you were able to get all of the stories and spend that time with his family.

    I just noticed also the pics of you look ALOT like Aven, mainly the 3rd one from the top.

  2. Aww very sweet. Can we say Aven in your baby pics???

  3. yep mom's tend to lose their minds somewhere after baby #2. in your case after baby #1
