Friday, January 2, 2009


So yesterday I kept practicing with Aven all day trying to get him to say Mama. He'd just stare at me and laugh. So last night while I was upstairs on the computer I heard him say it. MAMA! He was downstairs with Johnny and he heard it to. He kept saying it. Of course as soon as I pull my camera out to record he stops. I did get a little snip of him saying it but it wasn't as clear as the other times. I also got some of his loud pitched screaming that can break glass.


  1. Hi :0
    Linked to your blog from "A Womb at the Inn(sane)"
    Didn't want to be a lurker so I thought I would say hello.
    Very cute video of your little one! :)
    Shelly and crew

  2. SO cute!! I turned the volume up and Kyndall heard his voice and turned her head and squealed. I think she wants to see her boyfriend LOL

  3. Well thank you! Nice to meet you :)

  4. Krystyn: That is so funny. We already have pre arranged their marriage. :)

  5. I think he's saying boobie or auntie

  6. OMG!!! That wasn't Aven... That was TOTALLY you! I heard you! Nice try. (hahaha)

  7. How cute! My daughter will be 6 months on the 6th. Time goes by so fast. She said Dada the other day. Go figure. I'm the one at home with her all day! I just keep telling myself that she is rambling and not calling out for him. haha.

  8. It was nice to meet you at the wedding yesterday. I have to say, it was the first time I ever met someone from the internet! lol. You have an adorable family and nice blog, I am gonna start following! Have a great week!
