Monday, January 19, 2009

My first blog award

WOO HOO. I am pleased to annouce I've received my first blog award. I never win anything so I was so excited when I heard the news. One of my blog friends nominated me for the "this blog measures up" award.

This award requires a few "to-do's"

1. Say one nice thing to the man in your life: Well I have two men in my life now who I love. But to my husband. Thank you so much for all you do and being such a wonderful husband and father.

2. List at least 6 ways you measure sucess in your life:
*By how happy I am no matter the struggles I might be facing.
*By how many memories I have with my family and the people I hold dear.
*By seeing my son grow everyday and knowing that I've had a part in it.
*By the love and respect I get from people closest to me.
*By the amount of true friends I have.

3. Assign 5 other blogs this award:



  1. Heck yes! I love awards! Thank you. I'll be blogging about it soon :)

  2. Woo hoo! My first award too. Thank you :) I will get to this post in a little while.

  3. OH LORD! I have to say nice stuff? My blog will NEVER get an award! (HA) But congrats to you my dear! You Rock!

  4. congrats! your moving up in the blog world
    p.s. when are you going to give away free stuff

  5. YAY thanks!
    I will do this tonight when I get home!
    First award too :)
