Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Journey

This post may or may not offend some people. If it offends you then I am sorry. Maybe you should move along to the next blog. This is always such a touchy subject for people but I am just sharing what I know that have been called to start doing. For many years I have known I have wanted to help girls who are struggling with the choice of abortion. Or even girls who have had them and are struggling with the healing of it and just need someone to talk to. My sister Bridget and I have decided we are going to be counseling girls who need the help. We start our first classes next Saturday and I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to getting started. If all I get out of this is to save one baby and help someone make the right choice then it will all be worth it. I have really struggled with this for a few years and now having a baby of my own I know this is something that I have to do. If you know of anyone in this situation I urge you to have them listen and watch this video.


  1. I totally 100% support you and Bridget on doing this class! (Not that we know each other. lol) Great idea!

  2. When are you guys doing this? And how?? I want to do it too!

  3. Oh Brianna, I'll be praying for you and Bridget, and praying that God will lead you, guide you and speak through you. God bless

  4. Good for you...what a blessing that will be for those girls you counsel, but it will also be such a blessing to you and Bridget to be used by the Lord in that way!

  5. I am so proud of you both. But more important, the Lord is very proud that you have chosen to stand with Him to defend the life of His precious babies. It is not always easy, but worth hearing Him say "Well done good and faithful servants." Our nation has allowed the murder of over 50 million babies since Roe v Wade. God help us,as He is sure to judge us for this sin that so breaks His heart. He is the author of life, and no one has a right to decide when to end any life but Him. God Bless you as you act on His behalf, He will be with you.

  6. I think more girls need to be educated on what abortion is and does. I pray we can help. I know the girls we have helped in the past are forever grateful. I'm proud of you:)

  7. Hi drifted through several blogs. I tend to be pro-choice. I applaud you on counseling women about the choices they need to make. I applaud all pro-life people for choosing a path that works for them and if you can counsel others and help them make a tough decision all the better. I never understood the pro life people that scream and yell and act violent. Convincing people of anything during a difficult time takes love and patience and an open mind. Best of luck.
