Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

If you have a weak stomach move along....


  1. Yup...happens often in my home. At least you noticed it before putting your hand in it...

  2. No I didn't get my hand in it this time thank god but I did the other day. So sick. I need to learn your wiping skills cause it took me like half a thing of wipes to clean up that explosion :)

  3. Nice! The other day my father-in-law was over at our place and when I pulled Caleb out of the jumperoo he pointed out that his entire back was yellow-brown. I too need to work on my wiping skills.

  4. Thank God he was sitting in his bumbo seat and not on your lap!!!!

  5. NICE!!!!!!!
    Glad I didnt get to your page while I was still eating my lunch lol.

  6. yum... haha I guess those are some of the joys of motherhood, and I think we all have at least one of those stories.

  7. LOL! I've seen way too many of those in recent days.

  8. What's wrong with you people!?! Shit Happens!

  9. Oh, my gosh! At least the bumbo is easy to clean! Last time you did a post like this I said that I was dreading that happening to my little one and then about a week later it did so I'm keeping my mouth shut this time! :)

  10. My son has these moments more often than not.
