Thursday, February 19, 2009

Story Time

Johnny's Mom sent us almost all his old favorite books when he was a little kid. Johnny really enjoys reading them to Aven. He always picks the books that are like 50 pages long and are probably meant for a 5 year old. Aven gets all into it at the beginning and then loses interest in about five minutes then starts to eat the pages. Here are a few pictures before he started to taste test the book.


  1. That is so cute. I can't even get Caleb to focus for five seconds. Books are just another thing he can chew. I can't believe how big our babies are already. A year is going to be here before you know it.

  2. Look at you guys homeschooling already!:)

  3. First off Love the new main photo.
    He looks so into the book, too cute. Hes just trying to taste the story too. LOL

  4. Keep reading to him Brianna! We started with the girls when they were really little and now they love books. Much better then TV!!! :) It lets them use their imagination more.

  5. He is going to be one smart boy. They look so cute together. It is so good to have that special time together father and son. The pictures are so good. Love you all

  6. Hi Brianna, yes I remember seeing you with your mom. You guys are truly a very nice family. Thank you so much for the very nice comment. Your son is so adorable!

  7. Taste-testing the book is okay... rich in fiber!
