Sunday, March 15, 2009


Yesterday we went to my friend Heather's Wedding down in Newport. It was really pretty. Of course I had everything planned out (as my husband always says) for the wedding and notice my camera was dead in the car on the way to the wedding. Then I was filling out the card on the way there and signed it and forgot how to spell my name. Then I licked and sealed the envelope without putting the money inside. Guess that's what happens when you have kids, your brain gets sucked from you. I had to carefully open it without ripping it to put the money inside. Johnny just shook his head at me the whole time. At least I remembered to pack everything in Aven's bag for Grandma and Grandpa's house and not forget him at home. Here are a few of the pictures I managed to take with my camera phone. I will update pictures of the bride when I get them. She was such a pretty bride!


  1. Ok either your hair grows super fast or you got extensions. Either way.. you look SUPER HOT!! My goodness! You look teeny too... what are you doing!? Please share :) LOL

  2. Krystyn: Yes my hair does grow super fast that's why I seem to have roots all the time :) But, no that is not all my real hair. I was having a blah day and made Johnny help me glue in hair before the wedding haha.

  3. You DO look super HOT! Now you can understand why I'm not all there!

  4. Cant BAWEAVE your hair grew that fast!!!
