Friday, May 29, 2009

Ask yourself

This is week 2 in the ask yourself questions.

This weeks question is....

You discover your wonderful one-year-old child is, because of a mix up at the hospital, not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to try to correct the mistake?

My answer....

No, I would not want to correct the mistake. Especially having an almost one year old I could not imagine having to send him away to another family even if I knew he wasn't my blood. What about you?


  1. Wow how do you think up these questions? They're good!! Well since we're talking Kyndall maybe I would contemplate it. JUST KIDDING! No I would not. I would want to keep the baby I came home with. I would want to have contact with the other family (play dates, birthday parties) but after a year of raising my baby, I wouldn't feel like the other one was mine. Does that make any sense?

  2. wow that is a tough one because you would have bonded with that child. ahhhh I dont know! lol
    I think I would want to keep the baby but I would want my blood too :( Can I pick both lol

  3. Well if the baby was as cute as Aven I def would keep it! But on the other hand if it wasnt might return it..JK That is a hard one...???

  4. This happened to a pair of couples in eastern europe! They swapped back but agreed to have regular meetings and babysit for each other etc.

    Psychologically speaking, women tend to answer that they would keep the child they began raising wherea men would say that they wanted their blood child back.

  5. I'd want both! You know me the more babies the better:) haha
