Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bike Cam

I've been trying to get Aven to say Nana in front of my mom for awhile and he always says it when she's gone. He of course decides to say it over and over while I was taking him on his bike ride (on his new bike seat). Don't worry I had my bike cam handy and got it on video :)


  1. LOLLLLLLLLLL haha! Is that a seat that goes infront? what is that? I just throw my in a trailer but I'm running out of room so I might have to stap one in front one in back and 2 in a trailer LOL

  2. How cute :)
    Good thing you have the camera handy.

  3. Brianna!!! this is HYSTERICAL!! only because I think that Aven is saying Nana over and over, so she can "rescue" him from the lady with the camera on bike, with him!!!!! ha!! deb :) ox

  4. He loves his nana and did want her to come to the rescue. Maybe like his nana he does not like helmets. They give us bad hair days. Ha Ha . I love it.

  5. What a cutie pie... where did you get that seat?!
