Thursday, May 7, 2009

Letters to my child

One of the best gifts I think I got when Aven was born was from my friend Tara. It's called Letters to my child. It is a really cute box with cute paper and envelopes inside. For every birthday your child has you are supposed to write them a letter on how much you love them and what they were like that year and special memories that were made, things they said. Even your favorite pictures. 21 days before their 21st birthday, you start mailing the letters, one everyday.

When I got the box I thought it would be so long before I would even need to think of what I was going to write. It's been collecting dust on the shelf in Aven's room for 10 months. This morning when I went to put him down for his nap I saw it sitting there and realized that his 1st bday is right around the corner. :( I still can't believe he is almost a year old! Where in the world has the time gone? I know when he is 21 years old he might laugh at how stupid his Mom and Dad are for doing this. I just think how neat it would be to have something like this for even me to look back and remember everything. I thought I would share the idea for all the new Mom's out there. You can be creative and do your own. Even if your child is older, why not start it now? I am going to have Johnny also join in and write a letter. I think one day when Aven is a parent he might appreciate it :)


  1. love this idea! your such a good mommy

  2. I love this idea. I am going to buy each of our children a journal and have Tommy and I write letters in them for each of their birthdays. The amazing part is that someday (in 100 years hopefully) we will leave behind an amazing gift for generations to read. What an amazing idea :) thanks for sharing!!

  3. I think letters are such a great thing but I think the age should be 30 though (ha-ha) kinda iffy about a 21yr old they are kinda "too cool" for

    So cute though I love stuff like this.

  4. That is such a great idea! I could cry just thinking about it! sheesh... Isaacs already 4!! I have some catching up to do! lol

  5. I love doing this with my kids too! I also buy them an age appropriate book each year and put it in their chest--this way they have some of my favorites to read to their children some day...
