Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This might be a sign?

This arrived today in the mail. I didn't realize that I wasn't supposed to open it. If something comes to my door I tear into it. I hate surprises and I wouldn't have thought anything would be coming this soon for mother's day. At first I was a little scared thinking what the heck is my husband doing ordering PINK tools??? I know he does have his feminine side (just take a look back a few post about the eyebrow incident) but I didn't really think he would get this for himself...OK, maybe I did. I called him up and asked him if he ordered himself a new tool kit. He said, "no honey, that is for you. Happy Mother's Day! I really do think it's cute since I do like to do stuff around the house and after all I am building a new dollhouse for my nieces, might as well do it in style. I'm not quite sure but I think he is trying to drop some hints that maybe I should be doing more around the house??? I can't wait to see when my pink weed wacker will be showing up so I can trim the neighbors weeds again :)


  1. haha..didn't he just buy you a vac too..oh I would be so mad! jk how nice..can't wait to see what I get. a pink blender maybe.

  2. how funny... haha I didn't know they made pink tools!!! My mothers day gift showed up yesterday too! Better early than late or not at all, right?

  3. LOL this is too funny. I cannot show Saul this because I know my next present will some sort of pink tools for fixing cars. (cuz that is what he likes to do haha)

    He might be dropping a hint like "do not use MY tools" lol

    Happy early mother's day.
