Thursday, June 4, 2009

Brenda & Scott Engagements- Part 2

Brenda pretending to "tag" the wall. I thought this wall was cool even if I don't think tagging is. ha


  1. Hi there, I went to school with your sister, Bridget. I love your pics, I can't decide which one I like better #1 or #5. Your gettin good at this photo thing, I think you've found your talent!

  2. Brianna, You sure do good work. They are beautiful. You are quite creative. Love, Mom

  3. These are so awesome. You're so good at this!!!!

  4. LOVE the third one from the bottom... very nicely done!

  5. Are any of you sisters NOT photogenic? You are an amazing photographer. Aimee wants to learn photography, maybe you could help me "home school" Aimee next year???? Please???

  6. Aimie: I'd love to teach her once I figure out what I'm doing too haha jk

  7. Brianna! You are getting so good and have some beautiful lighting and poses with your sis and fiance'. Just lovely!! Keep going! I'm impressed and what a beautiful family you all are. love, deb
