Monday, July 20, 2009

1st Pregnancy vs. 2nd, 3rd and so on....

A few weeks ago I saw this video on one of my favorite blogs to read As I watched it I just laughed cause alot of the women said alot of things I have been thinking. This pregnancy is so much different than my first one. With my first one I was so paranoid about everything and was so careful I didn't drink any caffeine and was constantly looking up things in my pregnancy books. This time around I feel so much more at ease. Not that I don't still have the normal worries that come along with being pregnant. I think I have just come to realize that things are out of my control and whatever happens is in Gods hands. Not that I didn't realize that with the first one, but with your first one you really have nothing to compare it to so everything makes you paranoid.

I think things for women are so different now. When my mom had all of us she had no idea what she was having until she gave birth or even if we would be born healthy. It's like they almost give you so much to think and worry about you forget to enjoy your pregnancy as much as you should. With all the technology we have we sometimes worry about things that aren't even there. With Aven they told me that they thought I had cervical incompetence and had me worried to death for a week that I might lose my baby or go on bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy. Turns out that the lady just happened to not measure properly.

Although I am still very conscious about what I put into my body and things I do I am not gonna lie and say that I am perfect. If my baby is craving some tempura dipped shrimp then I will give in and feed my baby :) I also have been guilty for making a few stops at Subway for my tuna sandwich cravings that I've been having. ha I just hope that since I have a baby to chase after this pregnancy that I wont gain 40lbs this time around.

So any of you Mom's that have been pregnant more than one time. What are some of the things that changed for you if at all with your second and 3rd and even 5th pregnancy (if you are my sister)?


  1. my first pregnancy I swore I wouldn't wear maternity the 2nd I was in them right when I found out and have been in them ever since haha..
    Also your first you get to rest and nap when your tired, when your pregnant with your 2nd and so on forget it!!!! What's a nap!

  2. 1st pregnancy for me was a breeze... felt great... didn't need maternity until almost 8mos. 2nd pregnancy... miserably sick... got the flu horribly and ended up in er... bad heart burn.... was in maternity pretty early on... third one... so far a breeze (knock on wood)... maternity close immediately LOL Can't wait to find out what you're having!! xoxo

  3. First pregnancy..I was so excited to wear maternity clothes..gained soo much weight..MOOOOOOOO..
    Second pregnancy..tried to be not eat soo much..exhausted becuase I had a 2 year old to chase...
    Third pregnancy: Holy crap..even more tired since the second one was barely one...uneventful..easy..calm..didn't gain too much..but turned into a cow after he was born (he has a lot of issues..)
    However each pregnancy was magical and a blessing and resulted in 3 little handsome monkey boys

  4. During my second pregnancy I soaked up every minute of it because we said we were only having two...then we got baby fever which left me soaking up every second of my third pregnancy. I loved being pregnant. Hip, back, butt, leg pains and all. Except for the stretch marks, which got worse with every kid. There was really no difference between all three. I would say sleep but I don't even remember what that's like :)
