Tuesday, July 7, 2009

1st Ultrasound

Yesterday I had my first ultrasound. I was so excited and nervous the whole drive down there and prayed that everything would be normal and I would be able to see our little baby. After drinking 32 oz. of water and having to pee really bad. I was informed that this facility didn't take my medical group. WHAT?!?!?! You do not want to make a already emotional pregnant woman even more emotional. My doctors office sent me to the wrong place so I ended up paying cash for it. I was so mad that I almost had to reschedule somewhere else and get another day off of work.

Anyway they finally got me in for the ultrasound and as soon as I could see something on the screen I thought for sure that I saw two sacs. I thought oh great. Everyone has been saying they thought I was having twins and my sister Bridget was praying that was the case. So when I thought I saw two sacs on the screen my heart dropped. Thank God that I don't know anything about what the my inside are supposed to look like and it was just my extremely FULL bladder that I thought might be another baby. PHEW.

I was so relieved to see only ONE healthy little baby dancing around with a nice strong heartbeat. Suddenly the $234.00 I had to pay to see this amazing miracle wasn't so bad. I know you can't really see much in the picture but thought I'd put it up anyway.

3 more weeks and we will find out what it is. After this ultrasound I have a good feeling it is a boy. To all the 6 people who voted that I am having one of each all I have to say is.. Niener Niener!


  1. Is that going to be a Neiner Neiner you see a lil weiner post??? I still think its a girl:) xx fingers crossed xx

  2. "Occasionally, an ultrasound (or rather the technician performing the ultrasound) will miss a fetus. S/he may be hiding behind his/her twin. An ultrasound performed later in the pregnancy may pick up the hiding baby."

    Just thought I'd throw that out there. :D

  3. I totally think boy now... is what I'm looking at a wee wee? Or am I just so clueless? SO glad baby Adams is looking good so far! Woo hoo!

  4. You know identical twins are often missed on early ultrasounds

  5. Can't wait to find out what you are having. It might not be so bad to have a boy if you plan on having more. That way the 2 boys could be close in age. Either way I am excited for you guys :) Still think it's a girl though :)

  6. Hmm...I think it's a girl :) I guess we will all have to wait and see! I can't believe you get to find out so soon!!

  7. I love seeing those cute ultrasound pics! I am due March 7th. So I think you're 2-3 months ahead of me. I havn't cast my vote yet, but I think you're having another boy:)

  8. I can't wait to see what you will be having. What a miracle to see that precious baby growing inside. The Lord is good. He does like to suprise us. Can't wait.
