Friday, August 28, 2009

Mini Vacation

This weekend Johnny and I are going to Vegas for a little mini vacation. I am excited to finally get a break but I am sad to leave Aven. This is the first time I've been away from him overnight. I think I totally over packed his bag. Do you think 3 bags full of stuff is too much for two nights? haha Paranoid parent. I'm sure he is excited to get to stay with his Nanny and Papa and wont even notice I am gone.... I think it's going to be harder on me.

Wish me luck that I survive the whole trip and don't call every 5 minutes to check up on him. :)


  1. Sounds like fun! But I would totally feel the same way about leaving Brynlee!! You're not alone..haha! You don't know what to do when they're not around! But a mini vacation weekend will be nice for the 2 of you!! Have Fun =)

  2. Have fun!!!! Enjoy no fussing :) You can lay by the pool and sleep in!? JEALOUS!! Enjoy your time :) xoxo
