Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Let's try this again :)

So instead of redoing my whole dramatic reveal at the park again. I thought photo shop would be alot easier to recreate this moment. Yes, we are having a girl....I think! :) I don't know what to believe anymore.

Well as some of you already know, I went and got my big ultrasound yesterday. Before my appointment I was in the shower thinking how funny it would be if they told me (after I found a name I started to really like) that it would be a girl and I'd have to start my search for names all over. Well the lady started the scan. The baby was all curled up and nice and comfy. She was trying to get the baby to move around a little bit so she could get all the measurements she needed and to check everything out. Well I made a comment on how HE must be stubborn like my other son. She said "oh do you already know what it is?" I said, "Well I was told in my last ultrasound that it was a boy." After looking around a few more minutes she said, "Well this looks like a Girl to me!" I said, "Wait are you sure?" She said, "I am pretty positive that this is a girl cause there is nothing but 3 lines here! If this isn't a girl I want you to call me cause I would be in shock." At this point I was laughing so hard she couldn't get a good measurement if she tried.

It was pretty strange though in my head I had the feeling that this pregnancy was so different than the one with Aven. I get headaches ALL the time and I never got really any symptoms with him. I know every pregnancy is different but I just had this gut feeling. I guess I was right.

Anyone that knows me well enough knows that this wont be my last ultrasound. I'm not going out and buying anything pink until I get another confirmation but I'm pretty sure that Aven will have a little sister to be torturing soon!


  1. WOOO HOOO...I guess my original guess was right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now its time for Girl names haha!!!!

  2. Congrats!!!! I would be like you and get another one just to be safe ;)

  3. Haha...this little "girl" of yours seems dramatic already! First time she wouldn't show anything....Second time she showed she was a "boy" haha...and now she's a GIRL!! Hopefully she's still a girl on your next ultrasound! Haha! Yay...im excited for you, now she can wear bows and we can start thinking of girls names =) Unless you already have one picked out??

  4. All you need is an amnio to find out for sure :) Then you will get an XY or and XX confirmation. j/k Hope you can find out it's a girl at your next apt. How exciting! One of each :)

  5. Oh, how exciting! And I have to say that I am encouraged too because I am having a different pregnancy with this one than my boys and having a lot of headaches too:) So if you're having a girl...maybe that means I am too!:) I find out in a few more weeks. I know the 3 lines means a girl so I would think it was a girl, but I know you will be blessed with whatever the Lord gives you!

  6. OK, so girl names....do you need suggestions? Those are so much easier! :D Congrats!

  7. Well that's a shocker for you I'm sure. The hubs kept asking our tech if she was sure it wasn't a boy too, but there were def. 3 very visible lines! Good luck with the name search, we finally just got ours.

  8. That is crazy! Seriously thats a funny story to tell her when shes older :) Congrats on the GIRL! i cant halp u with girl names since we are stuck and we only have 7 weeks left :( I like the name Sienna but I have to convince the hubby :) Yay for girls!!!

  9. Oh congrats congrats. They first told me Briley was a boy. I had even done the nursery. I had to call the painter to come back and change mt red wall into a cream and pink striped wall:)
