Friday, September 18, 2009

List of Names

No, not me. I wish I had my own list of names but I don't. I went over my sisters house and my niece Faith told me to not leave yet because she had to give me something. She comes back and hands me a list of names she said she had been working on for the new baby. It's sad when an 8 year old can get the hint that she might need to make some suggestions cause she doesn't want to end up with a nameless cousin :) She is so cute and I love the list she made. It will go great in the baby book. Along with all of the pictures of how we kept changing our mind if it was a girl or a boy ha

I think it's so funny how she even put her own name and her sisters names on the list.


  1. Omg! How cute is that!!! What a great cousin she is =) I'm curious to see what Baby Adam's name will be!!

  2. Putting her name on their is priceless! What a great memory to have.

  3. does that name at the bottom say "tigress"? haha

  4. Yes that last name does say Tigress. haha

  5. Cutest Thing Eva! But i think she forgot a name.....Courtney Hello!!!!!!!!

  6. Tigress Wild Adams
    hmmmmmm...a good back-up!

  7. I like how she put Brenda's too. I'm thinking you should go ahead and go with Tigress. Tigress Fanley Adams... Love it :) Faith is SO cute!

  8. LOL That is super cute!
    At least she is helping from letting the baby go nameless ha-ha
    Adorable :)
