Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm back...sorta

Well I am back or I should say have a little burst of energy for the moment. Wednesday during the day I started to get a really bad headache, which hasn't been that unusual for this pregnancy so I figured it was just another one of my headaches. After a few hours I started to feel worse and Johnny said I felt like I had a fever. He took my temp and it was 100.8 which didn't really scare me that bad so I took some Tylenol and waited a little bit longer. Well after about 2 hours it got worse and went up to 101.4. By this time my lovely husband who WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT HIS PREGNANT WIFE fell asleep and was snoring in bed. I called my doctor and they suggested I get to the ER as soon as possible and get tested for influenza. I called my Mom and asked her if she could come and watch Aven. After once again trying to wake my husband to take his miserable pregnant wife to the ER with no luck. He said I didn't seem to sick if I was able to yell at him like I was. Boy does he still have alot to learn about me :) Instead of ripping off his head, like a pregnant hormonal wife with a fever should have done. I decided to just leave and have my Mom take me instead. (Yes, this is my anger still talking please forgive me. I really do love my husband.)

After sitting there for awhile and having them shove two cotton swabs up to get samples of what felt like my brain. I was told that they were going to send it off to the county and test it for swine flu but since I am 22 weeks pregnant and most of the test for swine flu are coming back with false positives they were going to treat me for it as if I have it.

We finally got home around 3 in the morning and I have been pretty much in bed ever since. I got a slight burst of energy this evening. That or I was just disgusted from sleeping in a nasty swine flu infested bed and got up and sanitized the entire room.

My husband has been really trying hard to make up for his stupitidy the other night but I don't know if I'm quite ready to let it go just yet :) Makes me worried I'm gonna have to call a cab when I need him to take me when I'm in labor.


  1. I'm so glad you're feeling better!! That is soooo scary!! You're so funny... calling a cab ;)

  2. You poor thing! I'm glad you are starting to feel better, and the baby is ok! And don't worry...Aven can always drive you to the hospital in his new ride ;)

  3. Heather: You are so right. I didn't even think about Aven driving me. LOL

  4. Johnny is in the doggy doggg house but diamonds always make things better!!!! HAHA Sooo glad your feelin bettter 2 whole days at work w/o you I was soooo Lonely :( People prob think we work together almost haha

  5. UH OH! Hubby owes you BIG time :) Im really glad u feel better!

  6. Men! I remember Justin snoring in the chair next to me when I was in labor with Faith! Then he had the nerve to complain about a sniffle, when I just pushed out a 10lb baby! MEN haha! Just do a homebirth:)

  7. Bless your heart! Hope this is just a bug and you are over it soon...and congratulations on another one on the way. your little guy is adorable!

  8. Sorry you feel so yucky. There is nothing worse (except maybe labor) then being pregnant and sick at the same time. I hope you feel better soon!
