Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby Shower

This past Sunday was my Baby shower. We had it at my house. All I can say is that I have the best friends and family.

My shower events actually started Saturday when my best friend Courtney came over to help and stayed the night. It was like being in high school again and we were both excited to spend time together which doesn't happen often enough.

She was so cute, she called me and was like, "I got us matching Pajamas that match the theme of the shower!" (which was circus) She showed up and sure enough she bought us both zebra print pajamas. I am truly so blessed to have a friend like her. She is like another sister to me...and she even looks like me :) Aven was actually super nice to her he probably thought she was me except I'm half the size. ha She did so much for me to make my day so special and I can't thank her enough. She even did my hair and makeup for the shower and even picked out what I was going to wear.

We stayed up late fixing up the house and decorating.

My friend from high school made this cake to match the theme. She did such a great job and the cake was sooooo good!

I am so lucky to have so many great friends. My friend Marisa (left) made all the sandwiches for the party which I have been eating for the past three days. My friend Torie (right) made some appetizers that were to die for. Everything turned out awesome.
My friend Sommer who made all the take home bags that turned out so cute!

My Mom and I. I am so lucky to have her. She has helped me so much. She bought me the crib and also helped me finish the nursery and paint it.
My friend Krystyn.....I was so excited she came. She had her 3rd daughter only 3 weeks ago and was running on only hours of sleep. What a trooper. I even got to finally meet precious Austyn :)

As I was opening all the gifts it still didn't seem real that I am having a girl. I still don't think it's real. All this pink stuff couldn't possibly be for my daughter? Maybe it's not. ha

I was so upset when I realized the next day that I didn't even get any pictures with my sister Brenda. I made her take pictures of everything and didn't even get one of us. My sister totally spoiled Miss Alexa and bought her a ton of cute clothes and even bought me the double stroller I wanted.
I had such a fun time and can't believe that in a few short weeks she will be here. Thank you so much to everyone who came to the shower and made my day so special. (sorry if I didn't get a picture with everyone but you are ALL special to me!) I am so blessed to have such great friends in my life.
I will post more pictures later of all the cute stuff Alexa got for her shower. She even got two fur coats! What a lucky girl!


  1. You look wonderful, and your shower looks like so much fun! I can't believe it's getting so close!!!

  2. We need to have PJ parties more often that was fun:) You are the best friend I could ever ask for and deserved to have a nice shower so happy it turned out so cute! Blessed you are my BFFFFFFF!!!!!! Love you!

  3. How fun! You look so gorgeous! My baby shower was pink and zebra its so cute huh! Cant wait for u to have ur baby girl here. I LOVE having a girl u will love it :)

  4. so cute! wished I could of been there:( You are so blessed with many great friends. Can't wait to see her and all the cute stuff in person. Feb will come soon enough!
