Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I'm sad to say that I will be going private on my blog now. Someone decided to take pictures from both mine and my sisters blog and use them on her facebook and claim they were her kids and even by giving them different names. It's really sad that you have to be forced to even do something like this. I really do feel sorry for the girl.

I will be going private on Friday so if you wish to be added to my blog you can put a comment here with your email or you can email me to brigrl08@yahoo.com


  1. Yikes that's creepy! How'd you find out? Well that sucks...

    I would like to continue reading your blog.. my email is d.dedios@sbcglobal.net


  2. Wow, that is crazy and so sad!!! I know a lot of people suggest watermarks, something I need to do on my own blog too.

  3. Hi there! I tried to email you, but I got back a 'mailer daemon' from yahoo that it didn't go through. I double checked your email address...not sure what I did wrong, but needless to say, I want to follow! So sorry this has happened... how did you all ever learn of her?

  4. I'd still love to follow your blog:) My email is srhicks66@hotmail.com

  5. there are so many creepy people out there! Sorry this has happened to you and your sisters family. My email is doublemnt2@aol.com

  6. Isn't it sad that we have to worry about things like this!

  7. Eek! scary stuff.

    i would like to be added
    my email is valeria.delgadillo@gmail.com

  8. OMG Bri! I commented on FB, but that is so sketchy! How did you find out?? Tell please......
    Obvi, I want to keep reading, please "invite" me to the new blog-
    Email is southernsass30@gmail.com

    Do you know the person???

  9. Yes please. I'm a friend of Shannon Hartz's...
    My email is rebeeme@yahoo.com

  10. creepy!
    The HUbbs femail friend to ok a pic of me and riley @the lake with her camera.... later I discover she created a fake FB page to have fake conversations with her self about how cool she was/ things she was doing. I made him confront her and it disapeard but to this day she wont admit that she did that. She a freaking nut! good luck too you & your sis....p.s. the bbies are too cute! Jenn

  11. I just found your blog awhile back through another blog that I follow, but never responded until today.
    I am so sorry to hear what happened to you. My husband is a freak about people stealing pictures and stuff off blogs. I thought he was a little crazy actually but now I see he is not. OMG, it is horrible.
    Can you please let us all know how you found out about it so that we can keep any eye on our stuff as well.
    Do you know who did it? If it happened to you and your sister I would wonder if the person knows you. No matter what though I would call the FBI over idenity theft and report it. From what I understand this is considered a form of Idenity Theft as it should be.
    I would like to continue to follow but understand if there is not enough space as well.



  12. I'd love to stay a follower of your blog...that stinks you have to make it private.

    My email is


  13. Hi Brianna, I would still like to see your blog too! kristalflum@aol.com

  14. That's so crazy that someone would do that. I would like to continue reading your blog, my e-mail is lovemyrotties@gmail.com

  15. sweetsouthernprincess15@yahoo.com

  16. So sorry that you and your family have to deal with these creepy people. I would love to continue to follow your blog. My e-mail is PrncssSteph16@yahoo.com. Thanks :)

  17. I'd love to be able to follow your blog still.. Stephanie(dot)Gustafson(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  18. I would love to follow your blog. I so sorry to hear this happened you both of you. so sad and so scary this can happen. Also I didn't comment about the parenting conf. but I plan on attending. I start going to CCCH about 6 months ago and love it. I think this will be a great event hope to see you there. my email is saraayers(at)csupomona(dot)edu

  19. That is scary, I don't understand what would make a person want to do something like that?!? It's sad really.
    Anyway I am not on the BBC board much anymore (I don't think you are either though) so I would love to continue to follow your blog/family updates on here.
    My email is: ash(dot)morrow(at)hotmail(dot)com

  20. Would love to be able to keep up with you & your family. You are in my prayers.

  21. I came across your blog through your sisters blog but I also went to Chino High.. I'd love to be able to continue following.. banderson1127@yahoo.com.. take care a God bless you and your family!! :)

  22. I'd like to continue following your blog. I think I originally found your blog through your sister's blog.
    My email is:


  23. I'd love to be able to still follow your blog. That is so terrible that people feel the need to pretend they're someone they're not. So sad!! My email address is:


  24. would love to follow your blog.

    knew your brother and sister from school:)

  25. whaaa?! what a weirdo! seriously, why are there people in the world like that. i had some crazy dude pissed at me for writing a bad review, so he somehow tracked down my person blog and sent me a picture from it telling me he's 'gathering information on me'. why can't all the nutjobs out there just vanish. they contribute nothing to the world but angst to the good in humanity. (i agree, i feel very sorry for them!)
