Friday, May 14, 2010

2 months...well actually 3

Goes to show how fast the months are flying by for me lately. I didn't even get a chance to post Berlyn's 2 month picture before I realized she is 3 months.

She is getting SO big and SO fast it makes me want to cry.

This picture was taken only 4 days after they were in there working on her little but strong heart. This little girl is so strong even at her young little age. She got all dressed up this day to go get her two month shots in which she weighed in at 12lbs. 11 oz. and 22 in. long. For a little one with a heart condition she sure loves to eat and is a super healthy baby :)

She is now 3 months and weights about 14 lbs. We got to see her Cardiologist on Monday and the news we got couldn't be better. Her heart has remained unchanged after her procedure and still has no leakage which is what we wanted to hear. Her gradient level was about a 70 when she went in and is now down to about a 20.

She likes to try and sit up already, which I can no longer let her sit on my bed without be supervised. As you can tell she likes to roll over.

She thinks it's pretty funny when she does it too!

I am so proud to be the Mommy of this little girl. She brings me no sleep but alot of fun and laughs to make up for it. She is one happy girl (unless I put her down). She has a set of lungs on her and can scream like her Mommy does on those amusement park rides. (Torie will know how this sounds) haha

Aven wasn't as happy that he was getting no attention while I was taking a few snapshots of his sister.

BUT MOM!!!!!


  1. She is getting so big..I love her smile & laughs!

  2. She is so cute! Can't beleive how fast it goes by. So funny but sienna is 61/2 months and 14 lbs well almost 15 :) so glad that her little heart is doing what it's supposed to do :)

  3. She is so adorable! I love her bedding too:)Glad to hear the good news about her heart.

  4. Cuties! both of them! So happy she is doing better...

  5. She is so adorable!!! I am very partial though. Good pictures. I love the look an Aven's face, so him. I am blessed to be their nannie!

  6. She is so very beautiful! Her smile could light up the world, so adorable! I am very glad to see that you got good news!

  7. I love your kids! Berlyn is so cute! That face Aven made is precious too!!

  8. Oh my gosh, Bri, she is so big!!! And precious! And Aven's little face, bless him!

  9. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love your blog and your daughter is absolutely beautiful and what a handsome boy! I am always excited to meet parents that their child has the same CHD as ours. It is a lonely world without having someone who knows EXACTLY what you feel or what is going on. Please know that I would love to talk to you anytime. I am glad your sweet baby girl is doing so well and No leak ..THAT IS AWESOME!! Zeb had leakage immediately and the 2nd procedure as well. SO that is AMAZING! I say ..Yes BUT GOD!! He has a big plan! I am going to add you to my blog roll!! Hope to talk with you soon.


    Zeb has a carepage also:
    his code is zebsstory
