Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hidden Talent

I may not be the best wife, mother or friend. This is all stuff I am working on.

But there is no question about the skill that I do have.................

this is something that I was born with and you can't teach................

this my friends is my skill!

My sister and I learned this special talent at a young age and would sit across from each other and try to pick our noses and see who could get it in further. (after looking at this picture I think my tongue might have put on some extra baby weight too....better work on that.) As Brenda would sit and couldn't even get close to her nose. We decided a few weeks ago for some reason to show everyone at a family function how proud we our of our talent and were wondering where on earth did we get this anteater ability from. It was apparent that we didn't get it from my Mom when she willfully stuck out her tongue. Then my dad stuck his out and WOW.....we definitely got it from him. We were all laughing so hard we were nearly in tears.

Guess my Dad has a hidden talent we were not made aware of either.

Do any of you have any hidden talents like us, that you probably shouldn't public put out there like I just did? haha


  1. OH LOL!! U r so funny and you posted my fav rocker...yep you got me. ...#1 Kiss fan..who woud've thought??


  2. Lol those are some crazy tongues! I am double jointed in all my fingers :)

  3. HAHAHA That is awesome! Well I did have a hidden talent, remember in cheer camp, the Lawn Mower??? LOL

  4. Haha that is so funny! I can clap with one hand :) Maybe I should video tape that haha!

  5. comedy! double jointed in only 3 fingers and I can pop my right ankle bone LOL
