Thursday, June 10, 2010

Great Papa & Nannie

For the past few months on Wednesdays we make the short trip up to my Grandparents to spend the day with them. I grew up so close to my Grandparents and as I have gotten older and have had kids of my own I realize how important it is for them to be close with them as well.

Aven loves Wednesdays when I wake him up from his nap and ask him..."Do you want to go see Nannie & Papa?" He says YES!! As soon as we are a few minutes from their house he yells over and over, "Nannie & Papa's house?"

I just love both of them and I treasure the moments I get to spend with them. I thank God that I have them and that my kids can enjoy them as well.

Aven loves to go through all of Grandpa's gardening equipment and play. He put on his hat (knee pads) and made my Grandpa put his on too.

We love to sit out on their porch swing and enjoy a nice talk in the breeze while Aven picks flowers for Nannie. We get to sit and wave to all the older people walking and driving by. I'm pretty sure Aven makes their Wednesdays.

Berlyn even enjoyed swinging being held by Nannie. One of my favorite things to do when I was little was lay on Nannie. (God blessed her with a nice cushy chest)

(look at those legs...don't you just want to eat them?)

It's nice to take a small break out of the busy week to just sit back and enjoy spending time with family. I always look forward to Wednesdays now. :)


  1. we went there today and had the best time just talking and playing..I LOVE our grandparents! and so do my kids...we are sooo blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. They are the sweetest couple ever. You are truly blessed with such wonderful grandparents. Such beautiful memories to treasure!

  3. You're so blessed and I'm so happy that you take the time to treasure them. I don't have ANY grand or great grandparents left :( These moments are PRICELESS!

  4. How sweet! You really are blessed to have them in your lives. I wish we lived closer to family because we don't get those opportunities. Cherish your Wednesdays :)
