Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Weekend....One I wont soon forget.

I should have known it was gonna be a bad day when I woke up to hear that the 91 freeway was closed in both directions due to a tanker that had exploded on the freeway.

We went to go pick up Johnny when he got off work to head down to Newport dunes to meet my family for a little vacation. I thought it would be nice since we haven't gotten away since before Berlyn was born and I thought it would be a nice little get away. My sister and her family are staying down there in their RV and she was going to be having my niece and nephews birthday parties down there.

We got down to Newport dunes about 5:30 Friday night. We unloaded all of our luggage and were getting settled in. I set Berlyn down on the bed so I could put on my wrap so I could be able to run and watch over Aven. Johnny went to use the bathroom. Berlyn was SCREAMING at the top of her lungs as I tried to hurry to put the wrap on. Aven kept messing with the door, as I was yelling for him to move away it opened up and he went flying out down the steps. He hit his head on what I think was the bottom step. Just as he was falling out my Dad came around the corner. He was coming to see who was screaming and bashed his head on the trailer and was bleeding. He went to pick up Aven and got blood all over. By this time Johnny came out of the bathroom only to see Aven with a HUGE bump on his head and blood all over. He paniced and said we are going to the hospital RIGHT now. (not sure how he was able to see all he did in the Marines, maybe because it was his son?) I assured him he was ok. I used to fall on my head all the time and get huge bumps....would explain everything now.
Sad to say but with this kid I know there are many more days ahead of us with skined up knees and cuts and bruises. This was his first big injury :(
Finally he settled down and we hung out a little bit with Bridget and the kids. Aven was super tired so we all decided we were going to get some sleep.....so we thought!
Aven is not the type of kid to just fall asleep where I lay him, if he's not in his crib he has a hard time sleeping. I figured he would be so tired from playing so hard out there that it wouldn't be a problem. I didn't factor in the head injury, nor did I factor in my Grandparents who were staying in the trailer with us snoring ALL night. I remember at one point in the night waking up and just praying to God that the morning would come so I wouldn't have to listen to this anymore. I even thought about getting up to stuff paper towels in my ears so I wouldn't hear. I watched as the sun slowly came up on my great idea of a nice little get away with about one hour of sleep under both our belts.
I'm actually used to running on no sleep so once I was up I was fine, but I wasn't about to relive another night of torture.
We woke up and headed down to celebrate Faith and Landen's birthday..with glasses on of course to cover my bags.

Justin took all the cousins on a golf cart ride around. Of course Aven is the only one that never enjoys anything :)
My other nephew Colton. Isn't he the cutest??

Aven and Colton giving Johnny some love!

Berlyn enjoyed some nice ocean breeze in her cute little bikini.

They had a luau down at the beach with different games to play. They had a game of tug of war which I wasn't able to participate in cause I had Berlyn on in her wrap. I did enjoy watching and getting a great laugh.
All the men up against all the woman. Not sure how anyone thought this was a fair game. I was trying to yell to the ladies to just let go on the count of 3 and let the men fly back but no one listened.
All the polite Men getting ready to make the women eat sand.

They gave it a good try but it just wasn't gonna happen. Sure was funny though!

Aven enjoyed hanging out with all his cousins. He was in LOVE with Farrah this day. Must have been the cute little green bikini :)

Aven and Cylis hanging out. I think they look like brothers.

Both have that same big head :)

We decided to go home that night and get rest in our own beds. I wasn't gonna last another day with no sleep. I really felt bad since it was me that pretty much planned the whole trip and was me bailing out. We went back the next day nice and rested and had a nice time hanging with the family again.
Yesterday we just stayed home and relaxed with our favorite soilder.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial weekend! I think we will be waiting a little longer before attempting another Adams family vacation.


  1. Too cute all the cousins together! Berlyns bathing suit is pic is my fav cutest lil chunky monkey:) Poor Aven hope his bump gets better soon.

  2. Oh my gosh, Griswold, party of 4, family vacation! :D Haha! I can't believe the bump Aven is sporting! Yikes! You are brave to attempt all that to begin with!

  3. Lol..Berlyn is a super model in that bathing suit!! too cute!! ..Yep ..Zbug did the same thing on New Years...a bump the size of Texas I called it..went to EMS ..they sent crazy frantic mom home then we had fun later...been there done that..don't want to go again..LOVE YOUR PICS..Looks like soo much fun...
