Friday, January 21, 2011

Berlyn's Fundraiser

Can't even believe that our little girl is almost 1. As this day is fast approaching I have had so many mixed emotions. This year has been such a crazy year. Last year around this time I just wanted this baby out and to meet her. I never in a million years would have guess our baby would have anything wrong with her.

March 30th, 2010 my life was turned upside down. On that day I found out that Berlyn had a heart defect and would require a balloon dilation that following week. That whole week was a blur. Since that day I have seen life so different. Before all this I just went about my business and thought this stuff happened to "other" people. I have always had a generous heart but never really went out of my way to make a difference until her. She has made me who I want to be and made me appreciate life and see things so differently. All this pain I've experienced over the years has really opened my eyes to see there is way more to life. And for that I am thankful.

As her birthday approaches I am thankful for each and everyday with her. She has become such a fun, sweet girl.

I wanted to make her birthday special and to mean something more than just cake and ice cream and toys. I have decided that I wanted to give back to other children and families that are going through those hard painful days that seems like there is no end in sight. I have decided to do a fundraiser for The Joyful Foundation in honor of Berlyn's first birthday. The Joyful foundation is an organization of all volunteers that sews blankets for hospitals, cancer centers, heart patients, patients that are getting chemotherapy and dialysis as well as victims of spousal abuse and their children. They donated an awesome "heart" blanket with her name on it. Which we take everywhere with us.

I don't think anyone will ever understand the amount of pain someone goes through unless they are in that position or have to see their child go through something so traumatic as heart surgery or cancer or many other serious problems. The joyful foundation has so much demand for blankets for kids like the girl below that they really can't keep up.

Joyful Foundation patient who just got her blanket

I know times are tough for alot of people so I'm not asking for much. I have set my goal to raise $2,000. I know that seems like alot but I am hopeful that I can reach that goal and be able to tell Berlyn and show her how we celebrated her first birthday. If you feel lead to give anything even if it's $5.00 that will help out tremendously. If you would like to donate online you can go here Make sure that you write in the comment section "Berlyn". Thank you from the bottom of our "hearts" I will be updating everyone and let you know if we reached the goal!!


  1. She's tough. The reason that she's tough is because she has these two parents who haven't given up on her.

    Whatever she lives through, Miss Adams will inspire and help others.

    Another child who had a heart problem was Bobby Darin. He lived his life to the fullest, and cranked out such hits as Dream Lover, Beyond The Sea, Mack The Knife and Splish Splash.

    Congrats on making it to your first year. Hopefully, God will give her 5 years, then 15, then 25, then 35, then 45, then 55, then 85, and then if she's lucky, 10 decades.

  2. This is awesome! What an incredibly foundation that I'm sure brings so much joy to kids and their families!!! I've been meaning to write you for some time now, because our kids share some of the same heart problems (and you so sweetly posted on my blog months ago!) Praying for continued healing for your little one and hoping you have a wonderful first birthday with your sweet girl- she's adorable!

  3. You don't know me but your story has touched me. What a wonderful sentiment you have chosen to do to honor your daughter's 1st birthday. I have been blessed to raise 3 healthy daughters and I have a beautiful, healthy granddaughter and 3 more grandbabies on there way this year. I pray for their healthy lives and the strength to do what you did should God's plan turn out differently. Happy Birthday, Berlyn!

  4. Jodi: Thank you so much for your kind words!

  5. This is awesome Brianna....I will be happy too....

    Happy Birthday Berlyn!!!!

  6. Brianna, I hope I did the donation right.

  7. What a blessing and example you are being already to your daughter! I've been praying for Berlyn and your family. This has touched me its even shown me to think more about how the Lord really wants me to do things different to honor Him and just have more love and compassion towards others. God bless you and welcome to MOPS it was a blessing to see you on Tues. + Lizzie Franco

  8. Brianna, I love how you are raising Berlyn and Aven to think of others even while they are being celebrated! You are such a wonderful example of a mother and I feel so blessed and thankful to have you as my friend!

    Happy Early Birthday Berlyn!



  10. Dear Brianna and John :) You are such a special family and you lift my spirits whenever I see your smiling faces. My best friend, from high school, has a 21 year old daughter, that has lived through a severe heart condition and I know what she has been through and how her own heart beats as a mother. We are very close. I will continue to pray for Berlyn, as I do for "Kelsey," as she finishes college. These children are truly angels on earth and God has blessed, not just you, but all of us, with their incredible testimonies. Just when we think life is tough - we see them smiling and we see their beautiful parents with so much faith, hope and grace. I hope to schedule something for you guys (on me) this year!!!! love you, deb ox
