Friday, January 23, 2009

Photo Meme

I was tagged by a long time friend since I've known since childhood. So glad to be back in touch and see her and her beautiful family. Her name is Megan.

Here are the rules:*Open your photos, choose the 6th folder and then the 6th photo in that folder.*Post the photo with a description about it and tag 6 friends to do the same

Here is the picture I came across....I have so many pictures I thank god It wasn't a picture from when I was pregnant or something :)

This was from my friend Marisa's (far right) bday party almost 2 years ago. The others are Courtney far left and Sommer next to her. Then of course yours truly. Anyway I'm not gonna tag anyone but feel free to do the same. I enjoyed doing it.


  1. The six of you look really cute!

  2. Too cute. I havn't seen Courtney and Marisa in years. I think when I graduated you were all freshman, and I still pictured them as tiny little pixes like they were then. How beautiful you all are:)

  3. Aww I love that picture!!! I need to start updating my blog again:)
