Thursday, January 22, 2009

They have a name for that....OCD

I purposely think my husband is doing things around the house so he will be to topic of my blog, (which I know he secretly loves) so all the other wives out there will think what a nice husband he is. I do have to say that he is a really good husband and does alot around this house to help me out. On the other hand I think he has a little OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) Ever since I met him he has had a super organized closet and always had to have matching black hangers and have everything color coordinated. At the time I was like wow how nice. The first time he came over my house I made sure that he didn't see my room or closet or else the relationship would have probably ended and the truth would have been out. So I fooled him for awhile into thinking I was as organized as he was. Only worked for awhile. He discovered the true me when we moved and shared the same closet.

So the other night I came upstairs to get ready to go to bed to find him organizing MY side of the closet and replacing all the white hangers and any other god awful colors I may have had in there with the famous black hangers.

If you are a normal Mother and or a working Mother or both like me. You would understand that not everything is perfect ALL the time. He just can't understand why organizing my closet is not on top of my to do list.

Here are pictures of his closet. Looks like the Men's section at Nordstroms if you ask me. I think I might go into his closet and rearrange everything tonight and hide a camera in the closet and do a video blog with his reaction :)

And here is my newly organized side of the closet. I wonder how long that will last. haha


  1. Um, can I borrow your husband someday? The only way Billy would EVER do this is if he knew "something" was in it for him. :)

  2. please loan him to us for like a week. PLEASE.

  3. My son in law is a man after my own heart. My closet does not look like that though. I do hang things according to color, but not the same color hangers. You are blessed to have him. You will never have a messy place with him to help. Love, Mom

  4. Oh my, I can totally relate. My husband even makes sure the distance between the hangers is the same! He's given up on me though...he doesn't even try to organize my side...I am hopeless!

  5. LOL I don't know about you but I think he just got himself a new monthly task! He started something great for you and he just suckered himself into it forever!!! haha
    He has no excuses now because you know how good he is. :P

  6. I think that is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I wipe a tear away as I sit here gazing at all its glory. I’ve just reorganized 2 closets and three cabinets, but I must bow to the OCD Master as I may only aspire to achieve such perfection.

  7. No fair! I didn't see one Monster hat, shirt either. really not fair! Oh, and thank you for just now deciding to follow my blog. LOL

  8. Brianna you are a very lucky girl! Hold onto that man!! I could only dream that my closet would look that beautiful.
    I'm one to put things away in it's right place. Unlike my husband who will go get a tool out of the garage use it, then leave it to rot on the counter where he placed it down. Months could go by if I let it and that tool would still by's me crazy.
