Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Please pray

My friend Missy who I met online when I was pregnant with Aven had to say goodbye to her husband this morning. He is leaving for Iraq. My heart breaks for their family her son is Aven's age and she has another girl on the way due in August. Please keep them in your prayers that he returns home fast and safe and that she stay strong while he is away. She was also in the Marines and is such strong woman. I don't know how she does it. These pictures break my heart. It reminds me not to complain when my husband has to leave for a little weekend business trip.


  1. oh how sad, will he be home for the birth?

  2. I know that feeling all to well:( I was in fact crying last night when ben dropped my off at the airport...but at least we are still in the same country!

  3. Wow, poor thing. They will be in my thoughts.

  4. Awwww ;( I will pray for them!! So sad!!
