Tuesday, March 31, 2009

9 Months

Yesterday Aven turned 9 months. My sister and I usually try to get together on the 30th of each month to take pictures of both our babies since they were both born on the 30th one month apart. Since we had a BBQ on Sunday she took a few pictures of them. I can't wait to see them grow up together. I know they will be really close. I can't believe my baby is so big already. He has no intrest in crawling either. Finley will be soon running circles around him.

Aven 9 months, Finley 8 months

Thank you Auntie for this orange. I love when my aunts and uncles give me good treats.

Aven bit through the orange and got a tasty surprise.


  1. So cute!! Don't worry Brianna...both my boys didn't start crawling until a year and Benjamin just started walking this week...he is now 16 months!!

  2. My son makes plenty of those faces! He always tries new things and doesn't always love them

  3. LOL I saw the sour face on Bridget's page, too funny. I love the tie-dye :)

  4. They are SO cute! Can't wait until I can get a picture of Kyndall with them at Farrah's party!! I can't believe our babies are growing up so fast ;)
