Friday, March 20, 2009

Swim Lessons

Aven had his first Mommy and Me swim class last night. He did really good, which really surprised me. I thought he was not going to like it but he LOVED the water. I even dunked him under and he didn't even cry. Here is Aven in his swim attire right before class. :)


  1. He looks so cute. Yay glad he did well. I think it makes it easier for Moms when the kid likes the water growing up.

  2. He is way too cute! Kyndall loved the pool too! He's getting so big ;)

  3. So Cute! Can I come next time??? Remember when I almost drowned at the beach that one time??? HAHA

  4. Awww, Thanks! He's 17 months. But he thinks he's 3 like his big brother! HAHA! ;)

  5. So cute, that's great that Aven already likes the pool! We start swim lessons next month too, and I am curious to see what Carson thinks about it. =)

  6. What a cutie bug! He is all ready for the summer!

  7. It's nice to be back and catch up on your blog! Love him in those trunks. Aren't you glad you spent all that money on cute clothes for my kids:) Now you get them all back!
