Friday, March 20, 2009

Watch out at Wally World

Yesterday I got 4 of the same text messages from some of my friends and the messages said "Do not go to any walmart tonight. Gang initiation to shoot 3 women. Not sure which walmart. And confirmed on tv." I pretty much knew it was not true and looked it up online. My predictions were correct and it was a hoax that has basically been circulating since 2005. I just thought it was funny that I got it 4 times. I guess my friends know how much I go to walmart. I should have taken the oppurtunity to get some shopping done without the crowds. ha


  1. LOL you are right, you could have shopped ALONE and taken advatntage! I hate when people run wild with this crap without checking things out.

  2. I live in VA and the same text was circulating here yesterday. It was also on the news... but they said the state police had confirmed in was a hoax.
    SO sad people have nothing better to do with their time!
    Your baby is SUPER cute by the way! =)

  3. I got the same text message twice yesterday, and I'm across the country from you!

  4. I got 3 of those texts yesterday, AND my mom called me to let me know. I figured it was fake. I didn't go to Wal-Mart, but not out of the fear of getting shot. I just like Target better!

  5. I also got a few texts about this yesterday. I got one from my sis-in-law in Texas, a friend in Mississippi, and my niece in Oklahoma...and I live in Alabama. So, I guess this thing has been all around the nation. I normally don't go to Wal-mart anyways. I'm more of a target/publix/whole foods kind of girl for groceries. Wal-mart is my last resort for non-grocery items because they are a lot cheaper than everywhere else. But, I HATE the crowds!

  6. Too funny, I got the text too - good thing I'd already gone to Walmart that morning:)
