Monday, March 30, 2009


We had a really good weekend. Johnny was in Vegas till Saturday evening so we went out to my brothers house so Aven could spend some time with his cousins. We went to my niece Chalice's softball game. We don't get to see them as often as we'd like so it was nice to see them.

My mom and Cylis. He is so cute!
Aven is in awe of his cousin and couldn't keep his hands off him. Cylis just sat there so quite and let him do it.

Brad showing Chalice how to bat.
My brother swore Aven wanted some Licorice and I wasn't gonna argue because it kept him quite :)
haha Mommy I got my way again!

Look at those cheeks!!


  1. SO cute!!!!!!! Cylis looks like he could be yours! Love it!

  2. I have the most handsome nephews:)

  3. Brianna, great pictures. I need to get some of those made for frames. I love the ones of Cylis and Aven. They are so cute. The Lord sure gave us some beautiful granbabies.

  4. The boys are soooo cute! he looks like he loves his cousin.
