Wednesday, June 3, 2009

And so it begins.....

Aven has decided that he wants to give me dirty looks when I tell him No. Two nights ago I told him No when he was playing with the fireplace doors and he turned around and gave me the most evil look. Could it be that he's been watching me when I give my husband those looks?!?! Me?? Never. My Mom used to tell me when she would tell me to do something she would catch me sticking my tongue out at her when she'd turn around. I guess God really has a sense of humor and is paying me back for what a rotten child I was :)


  1. LOL he sure has a personality!

  2. LOL... Rylee does almost the same thing when she gets mad, but she is almost 5. Haha.. It sure is a personality thing. He is still gorgeous with that evil face!

  3. HAHA When he did the face to me the other day scared me! I felt the seriousness of his expression, so funny!

  4. You were not a bad kid, I just see the humor of God in allowing parents to get glimpses of what they did as kids. He is so cute.
