Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lunch Date

Aven and I got to sneak off today for a lunch date with my friend Krystyn and her girls. Krystyn and I were pregnant together when I was pregnant with Aven. We were only weeks apart and now we are pregnant again together. We always tease that our babies are meant for eachother cause they both are so fussy most of the time. We always think we will get our revenge on them one day when they get married and have the fussiest babies in the world :)

We got there and Aven decided to give his new mad dog look at them and all the tables around us. ha It was so good to finally spend some time with them. Thanks Krystyn for driving out and meeting up!
Aven thought he would be cool and sneak his arm onto her chair :) Better have Daddy have a talk with him haha jk


  1. they are sooo cute I wish Finn wasn't sick I would of met you guys

  2. SO cute. I didnt even realize the sneaky arm on her highchair. Smooth move :) hah!

  3. How cute.

    Just make sure she has something good to offer lol If you decide on this arranged marriage. I dont think that cows are that even of a trade anymore :)

    Ha-Ha Watch out with those sneaky arm chair moves.

    How exciting that you were and are prego together.
