Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's a.....We found out this time!

Well anyone that knows me knows that I am impatient when it comes to waiting for things. I couldn't find out last week what the sex of the baby was because the cord was in the way. I asked my Mom if there was anyway she could sneak me in at her work to get an ultrasound. So I was able to go in today. Of course Johnny wasn't able to make it so I found out before him. I decided since he didn't get to go I would have a surprise him when he got home from work and would tell him in a different way.

I told him to meet me at a park near our house when he got off work for the big reveal. :)

Here is the box I had sitting out waiting for his arrival. I know the box is kinda cheesy. My sister was with me and we only had about 5 minutes before he was going to show up.

He arrives at the park excited to see what his new baby is going to be!

hmmmmm what could it be?????


So happy!

Aven wasn't happy to see the balloons fly away. I know this is not environmentally friendly but I had to do what I had to do for some good pictures.

Aven is happy to have a little brother to beat up on.

I knew it was a boy!
I know what your probably thinking. "Does she really own a pair of glasses like that and wear them around?" No I don't. My sister had these sitting in her car and we thought it would be cute for the pictures.
It was strange Johnny and I both wore blue shirts today when we woke up I didn't even need to change for the reveal. :)

Bye Bye Balloons!
We went out to dinner after to celebrate our new baby boy that will be joining our family. I really can't wait to see what it's going to be like to be the only girl in the house. It's going to be way different then my house growing up with a bunch of girls fighting with each other over clothes and being on their periods at the same time :) Who knows, I might have to try again one day so I can have someone on my team.


  1. I am so blessed to have been there to see first glimpses of my new grandson. I love him already. I can't wait til the day we get to meet him. The pictures are so good. Good idea you had withe short notice. They will be good for the scrapbook. I am so happy for all of you. The Lord has blessed you very much! Love, Mom

  2. I seriously LOVE having 2 boys then my girl! The brother thing is the cutest thing EVER! ;)
    Ijust want a sister now for Kiah, but I won't! lol.. CONGRATULATIONS BRI! :)

  3. What a great idea. You got some great pictures of the big reveal.
    Congratulations & Yea for boys!

  4. YAY thats sooo Exciting! OK I have to admit I was thinking it was girl all along and BOY was I wrong lol....happy Aven gets a lil brother to play with so much fun!!!

  5. Hey Brianna! That's great news. Congrats on the new little man inside of you:) Those boys will have so much fun together. I wish my boys would've been closer in age together..but that's not how it worked out! Enjoy this special time. My time is almost due..hurray! You take the cutest pictures...I must hire you someday. Do you do new born shots??

  6. Aww, It turned out great!! That is just too cute, and you got some good pictures too! Congrats again on your new baby boy...can't wait to see him :)

  7. Congratulations on another little boy! How much fun that is going to be. And remember little girls mean shopping waaaaay too much :)

  8. Yay!! Congratulations! A healthy baby is what MATTERS :) It will be so much fun for Aven to have a brother. Now you get to play the name game all over. Love all the cute pictures you are so creative :)

  9. That turned out soooooooo cute! I guess the position thing doesn't work for you guys? jk LOL...Ok, let the planning begin!!!! I can see it now you will be dressing them the same:) haha
    So fun!!!!

  10. LOVE the pics. I'm so excited for you to have another boy (and jealous!). Haha... if you need the fights and periods at the same time just come visit our house of estrogen!!

  11. Yay! I love having my 2 boys and close in age too so that they can grow up as buddies. I'm with ya when it comes to being the only girl around...that is why I am praying this one is a girl for me:) Congratulations!!

  12. Popping in from Feb 2010 BB on BBC. What a great way to share the news, your pictures turned out fantastic, and CONGRATS on having a boy!

  13. YEYYY!! Congrats!!! I was lol about the fighting for clothes and being on the period at the same time... I am 1 of 3 girls in my house. Went to an all girl school all my life. Even our pets were always girls. When I found out I was having a boy, I was like, Whaaaat? I can probably bet I will have another boy when I get preggers... I just know! lol And yes, we all want girls, but what better than our lil men to have Congratulations mamacita! I am very happy for you! You have such a beautiful family!!!

  14. So excited for your family. Congrats. After the failed ultrasound I had a feeling :). He's going to give Aven a run for his money. I hope I have a boy next time too.

  15. Awesome! That was such a cute idea. So funny you all wore blue! :)

  16. Hey girl this is michelle collins/bradley :) Congrats on having a boy! So exciting for your son to have a brother :)There are way more cute boy names than girl I am having the hardest time i have like 5 boy names but no girl names :(

  17. Hello Michelle: Thank you :) I'm having such a hard time picking a name myself. I might have to just pull one from a hat or something. ha
