Monday, August 10, 2009

Annual Beach Party

Yesterday we went to one of Johnny's reps Annual Beach Party. We have been going for a few years now. I always have so much fun when we go. (Besides last year when my husband almost choked and died on some meat and no one around decided to help) They always have the best food and ice cream for everyone. They even have a band playing nice music.

I think the best part of going is the people watching.

The guys took the kids on bike rides.

What a difference a year makes. This was Aven last year a little over a month old. I told Johnny it seems like every year we come to the party we accumulate more and more crap to bring and our family keeps getting bigger. Next year we will have to have a bigger car to take all our stuff down and be pushing our two kids around in a double stroller. ha

Aven had so much fun playing in the sand and going in the water with Daddy. He enjoyed all the food and even had two helpings of ice cream.

The #2 best reason for the beach party. It wipes out the kids completely. We got in the car and he couldn't even keep his eyes open. Actually I couldn't either. As soon as we got home I pretty much passed out and didn't wake up till this morning :)

How I am going to miss the Summer once it's gone. :(


  1. That is too cute! I love the little bike fun! By the look great =) Hope you're feeling better!!

  2. I didn't know dad went with you guys.LOL
    Glad Johnny chewed his meat this year:)
    Cute pictures of the boys. Are they both big brothers?

  3. He looks way to grown up already. It cracks me up to see him in the helmet. Wow ,time flew by when you see how small he was just a year ago. Next year should be twice as fun, if you know what I mean. Love, Mom

  4. I love that first pic of him in the bike! his smile is so big.

    lol i love people watching too.
    Glad the husband had a healthy day unlike the last year.

    Looks like fun!
