Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's a........

Baby! Yep that's right our baby decided that it didn't want us to know if it was a girl or a boy. I had this feeling all along that this would be the case. The legs were open but the cord was right in the way. The lady tried for about an hour but we had no luck :( So I will be going back on the 16th and see if this baby wants to cooperate with us.


  1. Bummer! I was so excited to find out. What a little stinker! Maybe I should change my vote to boy.

  2. Aww..that sucks! Go figure right! Well...I still think it's a girl =)

  3. How funny...that little stinker! That is what I am afraid of too. It's a good thing you get to go back again and see if Baby is going to cooperate:)

  4. Well I know Someone who knows. He is having fun knitting your baby together in the womb. Soon we will know what He already knows, this will be one more blessing He has given to this family. I can't wait to love another grandbaby fashioned straight from the hands of an awesome God!

  5. This is starting to be the 'theme' of Costa Mesa these days. I think the techs are new and not as good.... how could every single one of us lately have the same story??

  6. Don't find out!! I know it's difficult with the 'planning', but OH MY GOSH, what excitement when you hear "It's a boy/girl!!".

    We didn't find out what Gavin was, and I relive that moment of anticipation and waiting to hear those words and my husbands eyes just waiting till he popped out, and I get goosebumps ;) I wish I had done this with Landon.. but will for #3 if we are blessed with another.

    Of course, the day is filled w/ excitement and joy as it is... just made it that much more exciting. We took 2 outfits (boy and girl) to the hospital w/ one pink and one blue blankie and had bets from family in the waiting room. I'm calling boy ;)

  7. It must be a girl... she is just being modest :o)
