Monday, September 21, 2009

Anniversary Dinner

Sat night we went out to dinner for our 2 year anniversary that is tomorrow. We have made it a tradition to go to Roy's for dinner on our anniversary. We went there in Hawaii while on our trip that we got engaged so I always like going there it brings back all the fun Hawaiian memories from our trip and not to mention the Chocolate Souffle that is to DIE for. :)

When we got there they had a special message in both our menus. I was so excited I had to take a picture ha
My beautiful double shot VIRGIN strawberry daiquiri

First dessert was a cheese cake that would knock your socks off.... I wasn't wearing socks but if I was I'm sure they would have came right off.

Last but not least my favorite the Chocolate souffle. We even took a to go one for the babysitters, my Mom and Dad.

Pregnant girl shoveling the souffle down her throat as fast as she could so her husband wouldn't eat it all. :)


  1. I'm pretty sure that I don't know you but you follow by blog, so I follow yours. :) Ha!

    Anyways, if we had a girl this last time *sniff sniff*, her name was going to be Eisley (pronounced Eyes-lee). For a nickname we were going to call her Izzy.

    So that's my two cents for the name!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the dessert, it was great. May you be blessed with many more years together.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Looks like some yummy stuff.

  4. You guys are SO cute! Happy Anniversary!!! Can't wait to see how cute baby girl is going to be :)

  5. YUM!! That looks so good, what a great tradition. Happy Anniversary!

  6. 2 yrs 2 kids you guys don't mess around! I mean you DO mess around ha...ok that was lame. you know me and my jokes errr

  7. Next time you go to Roys let me know, didnt you see me on the street corner holding a sign: WILL BABYSIT FOR DESSERT!!!!!!!
