Monday, September 21, 2009

Baby Sisters Bridal Shower

Well she's not the baby anymore. We had my sister Brenda's bridal shower yesterday. It's still so hard for me to picture her not the baby anymore. I still picture her as my little sister who I need to protect. In my mind I always think that she is still too young to get married. She's not, she is all grown up and is on her own. Back when I was in high school she used to tag along with me and always looked up to me and thought I was so cool, boy how things have changed. :) I thank God for the friendship we have. She is one of my best friends. She has helped me so much the past year with Aven and I appreciate her so much. She is getting married in Jamaica and I am so sad I'm not gonna be able to be there for her on her wedding day. My doctor won't let me fly that far into my pregnancy. :(

Here are some pictures from the shower.

Brenda and the Dog of Honor. ha
Bride and mother of the Bride
Grandma of the Bride
Sisters and a really small flower girl ha
Farrah was the helper passing out the appetizers...or sneaking them and eating them herself :)

Everytime Brenda would open a gift that had any lingerie in it she would bury her head behind it and her face would turn every shade of pink you could think of. I guess it was because her future mother in law was sitting in front of her. I'd have to tell her to get over it and hold it up so I could take a picture so she finally did.

This is another one of my best friends Courtney whom I am trying to get married off. I had some rings as decor and made her put it on so I could send it to her boyfriend. Doesn't she look so cute with a ring on that finger? I think so! Ben if your reading this....WHAT'S THE HOLD UP??? :)


  1. HAHA Very Cute Post....I will make sure to leave this up on my computer for Ben to read:) Brenda is going to make a beautiful bride!!!

  2. love all the pictures! Brenda makes me laugh! I wish I could be there for her too:( court does look good with a ring on her finger!!!!! did a great job on the shower! oh, crap that reminds me I have to take back the tables today don't I?????? gotta go...

  3. my baby is getting married. I am glad I will be there on her special day.Sure wish you and Bridget could be there too. Oh well at least we get to celebrate at her reception after, She will be a beautiful bride. Great job on all your hard work for the shower it was fun.

  4. Such cute pictures! You did a beautiful job. Brenda looks so happy!!! She got alot of cute lingerie!! And ps. what a great bestfriend:) Love that you posted that pic of Courtney!

  5. Jamaica?! How fun. You need to have some job with party planning. You are really good!
