Wednesday, October 14, 2009

24 weeks (-2 days)

Alot of people have been asking me to post pictures of my belly. It's actually pretty sad I probably have only a few pictures of my belly this pregnancy. I'm not sure why. With Aven I bought a book and took a picture of my belly every single week. I guess it's because I don't really think I have a cute pregnant belly right now. Looks more like I drank too many beers and cinnamon rolls (although I am guilty of the cinnamon roll part). I need to get in the habit of taking more pictures. You never know this could be my last pregnancy :/

(yes I am still wearing my comfy pajama pants at 3:30 in the afternoon. Don't judge me)

This pregnancy has been alot different than with Aven. If I hadn't gained 40 lbs and got big huge cankles and snausage feet I would have never known I was pregnant. I never got any morning sickness or headaches. This one I've had headaches all the time. I've been sick two times. I have also been dealing with a new issue the past few months called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)

The past week I have been in alot of pain. It hurts to walk, hurts to climb the stairs, hurts when I try to carry Aven anywhere. It's really is driving me crazy. Sometimes at night I'm almost in tears just trying to flip over. I feel like a beached whale and I'm not even to the end yet! I really don't think my husband understand how much pain I really am in. I'm sure he thinks I'm trying to milk this pregnancy for all it's worth. Which in some cases I might be, this is not one of them. :)

My OB basically told me that it is not uncommon for pregnant women to experience this and that I basically need to just deal with it nothing can be done. I really have no idea what I would do if I actually had a job that required any manual labor or being on my feet.

The good news is that I happened to be sitting next to a Physical Therapist at dinner one night a few weeks ago and we got on the subject of my pregnancy and he told me that he specializes in my issue and actually works with one of the top doctors of the hospital I'll be delivering at. I was so happy to finally talk to someone who says they have an answer. I was feeling like I was getting no where. Of course my insurance doesn't cover me going to a specialist like this. He basically told me that is why my doctor was playing dumb and didn't suggest a specialist. So I will have to pay it out of pocket. The guy was so sweet and told me he will treat me for super cheap. He felt really bad for me and told me that his wife who has 5 kids had the same issue. He said that some days the pain was so bad she couldn't even stand up.

I will be meeting with him on Saturday and will hopefully start to feel some relief. If not, I will be one of the ladies who rides around in the free motorized carts at walmart when I need to go grocery shopping.

Besides all that everything is going good. The baby is growing and loves to kick me in my bladder lately. She still doesn't have a name and if I don't do something soon I have a feeling I will be choosing from the list Faith gave me a few weeks ago.


  1. You are so much smaller this time around. I agree we need more belly shots. Poor Vannah is going to feel left out if you don't have a baby book for her.
    Vanna or Vannah Adams I think sounds perfect:)

  2. I am so sorry your feeling so bad and unable to feel comfortable. You will be in my thoughts.....

  3. I have never heard of that before. Thank you for sharing. I am 32 weeks along and have suffered with my siatic nerve acting up pretty early on, but I've been in more pain due to a little slip down the stairs (no more flip flops on the carpeted stairs for me) Dr. did recommend seeing a physical therapist, which is sounding like it might help relieve some of the pain.I hope your apt. Sat. brings some relief--keep us posted.

  4. Poor baby! You look so small. Maybe princess is going to be tiny. I will keep praying you feel better.

  5. Okay what belly???? You are TEEEEEEENY!! I'm jealous :) I hope the specialist will be able to help you. Being in pregnant pain is the worst :(

  6. The same thing happened to me, well, is still happening its so hard for me me to walk or even just get moving cuz my groin area hurts so bad and it happened early on. I have to have my hubby push me over at night cuz i cant move :( and we havent picked a name either and shes due in 3 weeks! Hopefully when i see her it will click if not im in trouble! Your baby girl belly is cute :)

  7. LOL Faith would probably be thrilled if you picked that (thanks to Bridget ha-ha I almost forgot about Vanna)

    Take care of yourself and I hope you get some relief.

    How funny my friends said the same thing... All the boys came with NO morning sickness or headaches but all that had girls were sick and stuck with headaches. Darn girls maybe its all the hormones :P
    I agree your belly is smaller this time.

    :) good luck with your appointment

  8. if you keep talking to me about the cinnamon rolls we will be taking matching belly pics:)

  9. Brianna, I had the same condition when I was pregnanct with Brynlee. It was the worst part of the pregnancy! I couldn't even roll over at night, or get out of would pop! I know how you are feeling, but I want to reassure you it will go away after she is born. I was so scared I was going to be like that forever, but it goes away =)

  10. OMG Brianna, I think I had the same thing when I was pregnant with Brynn. I had no idea what it was, but it was pain. Funny how second pregnancies are so much different. I could have sworn I was going to deliver 2 months early by the way I felt. I think girls are just harder to handle from conception! But very worth it and rewarding. Now lets get moving on the name thing.

  11. You look so small! I am so sorry you have to go through this. It must be the worst, especially dealing with another toddler. I will pray God gives you strength and heals you. I hope you don't have to deal with this your whole pregnancy. Can't wait to see her!

  12. Adorable belly pic! And thanks for posting that info about SPD, I've been in such pain and just figured I got lucky my 1st pregnancy with not having it. Now I can look into the exercises and stuff.

  13. I had the SAME exact thing with both pregnancies, starting at like 3 months. It was horrific. With my first, I saw a physical therapist, the second one I said screw it. I was in tears, could barely walk. Walking bare foot caused more pain (and more time on your feet cause more pain at night). I wanted to install some sort of pulley over the bed to flip me over! For me, laying flat on a hard surface released some pain, but have someone by you - because I could never get back up. LOL I'm sorry, I know the pain, and I felt like I was just a big 'ol complainer and noone understood (until I fell 2 times). :( At times I seriously thought my pelvis was going to explode and break in two. Complete relief after delivery. ;)

  14. Im so sorry your going through this PSD is such a SUCKY thing to have durning pregnancy I got it with my first son about 20ish weeks and my dr just told me it was normal pregnancy stuff, it wasnt untill I did my own research online and brought it to her, did she say oh ya this is probly what you have, I demanded some sort of treatment and she was able to get my insurance to cover physical therapy. (push your dr and see if he can get you some I bet he can!!!) sucky to say it didnt help much. the chiropractor helped more I think but that isnt coverd by insurance. she gave me a handicap plackard because I was lucky enough to make it walking into the motor cart in walmart ;) but the second my son came out it was INSTANT reliefe!!!
    before I even found out I was pregnant with my second son I had the hip poping pain I knew I was pregnant, and yes it lasted all 9 months. I tried wearing the girdle thing to hold the hips in and it didnt help. at night sleeping with a body pillow allowed some comfort but I was pretty handicaped as far as geting in bed and out. I spent most of the time on my moms sofa because I was falling so often I couldnt properly care for my 18 month old son :(
    This time Im 11 weeks pregnant and I have only had one day were I thought it was coming on but thank God it hasnt yet.
    anyways Im praying for you I know how horrible it can be. I know its easier said then done, and people dont truely understand but let people help you accept meals (ill bring you some to put in the freezer) because the less time your on your feet during the day the better nights sleep you will get!!!!!!
    youll have to let me know if your PT guy helps you!!!!
