Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Made me Smile

I'm sure most of you that read my blog know my sister and know that her and her family will soon be picking up and hitting the road soon to travel around the United States. Although I know I will miss all them terribly I am happy to see all the fun memories that are in store for them. We are a really close family and the thought of someone in the family leaving terrifies everyone. We all know they will be back soon enough but being so close it's gonna be hard.

Everyone keeps emailing me or asking me how I feel about them leaving cause they all know how close we are. Of course I am sad but I know it's only temporary.

This morning I got a text message from my sister which brought a smile to my face. My niece Faith has been calling me and asking me all the time when she can come over and spend the night and hang out. I tell her she is always welcomed here. Anyway, my sister said that she had this note posted on the fridge. :)


  1. Hey girl, hope you are feeling well. Show us some belly pics! That is sad about Bridget, I can't believe she is actually doing it! I remember reading on her blog a long time ago how she would love to do that-I could never! Especially with 5 kids-lol! Tell Bridget good job on apostrophes-Faith knows how to use them! :D

  2. She is so sweet! The hardest part of this whole adventure for us is leaving our family! We will miss everyone so much!

  3. Hey! no Nannie's house on the list! I am sure there is a mistake. We will miss them so much, can't think about it much. But the Lord knows best. It will be a great experience for them all.

  4. top of the list! must be all those cookies you let her eat for breakfast...jk faith i such a sweetie hope you guys are having fun tonight at the slumber:)
