Friday, January 15, 2010

20 more days (or so)

I have been totally slacking on my blog lately. Things have been moving so fast here at the Adams House. We've been trying to get prepared for our little one to arrive and Johnny has been out of town.

I really can't believe that this pregnancy is almost gone. It's been bitter sweet. I keep thinking this could possibly be my last pregnancy for all I know. I get emotional when I think that Aven will no longer be the baby in the family. I look at him and to me he still seems so small and now he will be a big brother.

I am so excited to meet our little girl and yet so scared and anxious and wonder how I will be able to handle all of it and make sure I give them both the attention they need. I want to be able to take it all in and enjoy this special time with my babies. It goes by so fast. :(

I finally decided on a name after many months of changing my mind. Her name is going to be Berlyn. Now lets pray that it doesn't come out a boy or he might not have a name for the first few months of his life jk


  1. I can't believe you are so close!! I can't wait to meet Baby Berlyn! And I love her name =)

    By the way...Stuart's re-enlistment got approved!! So, we really might be able to meet yall sometime soon. We're just waiting to hear SC or CA. Keep your fingers crossed =)

  2. You are doing to do so great! I am so excited for you and can't wait to get updates via Bridget too! Is she coming home to see the baby when she's born? And PS-I LOVE the name Berlyn and voted for it originally! Yay yay yay!

  3. Good luck! I am sure you will be fine :) Can't wait to hear how he does with his new sister.

  4. Wow, that went fast! I LOVE the name. It was a contender if we had a girl, since Landon, but maybe were just supposed to have boys. LOL ;)

    I understand your concern for your oldest, I felt just the same. There is nothing now than to sit back and watch the interraction between the two. It is touching!

  5. You will continue to be the best mommy! The Lord will give you the strength you need each day! Aven will make a great big brother. He might kill her with kindness first, but he will love her and protect her. I will always be here to help you whenever you need me.

  6. You will be fine I remember feeling the same way when #2 came

  7. sorry did not get to complete my comment...I will be praying for you and your new little one....take care

  8. 1-2 is the biggest adjustment..but 2-3 is much easier! You'll be fine as you seem to have a big ole' family that loves you and will help out! Good Luck
