Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today I went with my Mom to a funeral for a friend she knew through work/church daughter. I heard the story and my heart broke for the family.

They lost their little girl on Tuesday. She was only 29 days older than Aven and the Mom is expecting another baby in June. Their situation really hit home since our babies are so close in age.

I wasn't sure if I should even go because I know how I am and I get super emotional but for some reason I really felt I needed to go. I am so glad that I did.

We first got to the church and I told myself to try and hold it together and was being so strong. As soon as we walked in the door and I saw all her toys, (some the same that my own son plays with) on the table along with pictures and memories of her short, life I lost it. I went in the bathroom and didn't think I could pull myself together enough to even go back out to the service. I finally did and we went to sit down and I felt a little better....until the service began.

Her Dad got up and spoke and was such an inspiration. I'm sure horror probably overwhelmed him. Heartache certainly overtook him. Yet heaven overshadowed him. Instead of him being upset and questioning why God would take his little girl home so early he stood up there with such peace cause he knew his baby was in the arms of her real father. That peace surpassing all understanding can only come from a God who is alive and can be touched with our feelings. That feeling of security enabled him to get up there and show everyone there the amazing amount of trust he had and that he still believed even in the darkest time.

He spoke about the time they found out they were expecting till the last day he spent with her and how she wanted her Daddy to hold her cause she wasn't feeling good.

As a parent you always want to think you will out live your children, but that is not always the case. Whether you lose them in the womb, or at the age 2, or 50 they are still your baby. It's so hard to even comprehend why things like this happen to people and why God would take a baby at such a young age. We will never know these things this side of Heaven.

It was such a great reminder that our children are on loan from God. We never know when he will decide to take them back home.

When you experience that kind of tragedy and still stand proud with Jesus by your side, that action alone is enough to make anyone going through a problem to reconsider the pain, count the cost and still say "I still believe too."


  1. Such a sad thing, but beautiful post. Not looking forward to my funeral today either :(

  2. Brianna, You said it so well! It is true, his witness of such faith in the midst of such great sorrow is an reminder of what a man who trusts the Lord with all his heart looks like. Jesus said to bulid your house upon the Rock, so that when the storms of this life hit you will stand, but if you build your house upon the sand, when the storms hit you will come crashing down. It is quite obvious that Bryan has built his house upon the Rock, and He has enabled him to stand. I remember when I was pregnant with Brenda, and you got sick and went into convulsions,and your eyes were rollong back in your head and I was sacred to death that you were dying. My heart was so sad and panicked at the same time. I remember thinking that only Jesus could help. I am so very blest He decided to allow you to remain here with us, and enjoy each moment we have had together. I am beyond words to express my gratitude for all my children and grandchildren He has given. I pray I can continue to trust Him daily for His guiding hand in each of your lives. I choose to build my house upon the Rock as well. I know He is proud of you, and so am I.
