Saturday, February 20, 2010

She's Here!

After my doctors appointment on Tuesday I could barely stand up straight and walk without having contractions. I called my husband to see if he was almost home from work because I was having a hard time keeping an eye on Aven while I was having contractions.

He finally got home and I went upstairs because I was in so much pain. I was having strong contractions again every 10 min. I would get up and walk around or take a bath to try and get them to go away but they weren't. Of course my husband was super concerned and made sure he was downstairs watching Lost on tv while I was upstairs about to give birth...(at least it felt that way) I guess he finally heard the screaming or yelling and decided he should probably come upstairs, after the show was over of course.

He got out his note pad and timer and volunteered to time the contractions for me since I wasn't able to concentrate on anything else at the moment. (what a guy!) I turn over to face him in between my next contraction only to find him with his eyes closed. I really couldn't believe what I was seeing. How can the man that is responsible for all this pain to begin with is able to just drift off to sleep while his wife is pulling out her hair next to him. I really wanted to give him a good wack in the head but instead I took a picture of him so I could show everyone how concerned he was :)

I was able to tough it out till about 3:00 in the morning when I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I was going back to the hospital and wasn't going to leave again. Security was going to have to carry me out this time.

My Mom came over to watch Aven and we headed off to the hospital. I text my sister Bridget who was on her way to the airport in Tennessee to fly out here. . I was actually supposed to pick them up from the airport but Berlyn had other plans. I figured that my sister would make it in plenty of time since her plane landed at 10:30 that morning and I figured my labor would be just as long if not longer than Aven.

We got to the hospital and to my great surprise it was the nurse from the night before. She took one look at me when she walked in the room and said now it looks like your really in labor. If I could have got up out of the wheelchair to slap her I would have. I was in to much pain to care. She let me know that if I wasn't at least a 4 or 5 cm they would probably be sending me home. She checked me and let me know I was almost 2 cm! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! All those contractions and I only progressed 1/2 a cm?!?! She but the contraction monitor and heart rate monitor on me and my contractions were a consistant 4 min apart. How could they possibly send me home when I'm in so much pain? As soon as the heart monitor kicked on and I had my next contraction I could hear the babies heart beat dip super low. I asked the nurse if that's what I think it was and she said Yes it was and it looks like they will be keeping me now. FINALLY!!!

Thank God the stupid nurse had an emergency c-section to help out with and that was the last we saw of her. We got a new nurse who I fell in love with right away. She immediately came in and got me more pillows and made sure I was comfortable and told me that she would get the doctor in as soon as he was done with surgery to give me an epidural. He finally got there around 6:00 and gave me the epidural. WOW!!! What a difference. When I had Aven the two epidurals I got never worked right so it was a nice surprise to see that I couldn't feel anything.

The doctor that was on call came in around 9:00 to check me and said I was at about 4cm now. She went ahead and broke my water and said that my doctor should be in around 12 PM and should be here to deliver me. About 15 min later I begin to feel my contractions again and thought oh great the epidural is wearing off like it did with Aven. I told the nurse and she said that if I want to hit the epidural button it will give me an extra boost of medication. So I said OF COURSE. After a few minutes it didn't get any better so the nurse said I better check you again to see where your at. She checked me and couldn't believe that I was already 9 1/2 CM and almost ready to push. She went and got the doctor that broke my water who was still making her morning rounds to come in and deliver the baby.

All I can say that if I hadn't have had to labor at home for 2 days this would have been the best delivery. After my epidural it was really such a great experience. When I was getting ready to deliver the emotions in the room were so great. We were all cracking jokes and laughing. I couldn't believe that I was feeling so great about to have a baby.

After 3 pushes Miss Berlyn Marie Adams entered the world at 9:52 AM on 2/10/10. All the worrying that I had about how I would be able to handle and love two babies was not even a concern. As soon as they placed her in my arms I felt so complete. It was love at first sight.

The past week has gone by so fast as I knew it would. Even though I wanted to shoot my husband the other day he really has been such a big help with everything and I love him even more than I did before she was born. Being a family of 3 was great but having 4 seems so much different I feel like we are more of a family that ever before. I didn't think Aven would take to her as well as he has but he loves his sissy so much already. I'm so excited to see them grow up together and be such great friends.


  1. Congratulations!! I have been waiting for pictures! She is absolutely adorable! She looks like a Proffit to me:) I am so glad everything went well for you. I have been praying for you since your last post:)

  2. I'm so proud of was a picture perfect delivery! (only wish I could of made it in time) I'm glad I got to see her. Love all her pictures.

  3. So happy for you that shes here :) Isnt it so great to have more than one baby? I loveee having a baby in the house even if im not getting sleep! She is absolutely beautiful, you and your hubby make cute kiddos. Love hearing your birth story :)

  4. I almost teared up reading this! I am SO happy for you! Berlyn is beautiful, you and your family are so blessed! You make me want another one now =)

  5. Congrats, congrats - she's beautiful and I LOVE the name:)

  6. Great Story! So glad to see pictures. Beautiful baby, Beautiful name! You are so lucky to have such adorable children. Congratulations to your beautiful family!

  7. I'm glad to hear you had such a great experience for the most part!

    Congrats again, she is beautiful.

  8. What a beautiful family... Congratulations thank you for sharing pictures!!

  9. Congrats!!! Beautiful! (love the pick of the sleeping hubby lol you think he would have been excited ha-ha)

  10. ahh! congrats girl!!! such a beautiful family!
